Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Did you really say that?

Zambians can be more honest than New Zealanders in a social sense. We generally don’t tell people, especially people we don’t know that well, if they have put on weight, or that we think their lunch is strange, or that something about the way they live their life is unusual.

Not so much here. Sometimes it’s refreshing. Sometimes it’s hilarious. Sometimes it leaves me dumbstruck. Other times, enraged. Depending on context and my mood at the time! For example, I received these comments in the last week:

A - from a colleague
“Was there no power at home?”
“What do you mean?”
“Could you not iron because there was no power? Your pants are very wrinkled.”
Context: these were my gym pants which I was wearing to coach the teachers in how to teach P.E. to their students. Who irons gym pants???

B – from a child
“You have  very hairy arms. I like them.”

C- from a stranger
“You are going home to cook your husband lunch?”
“No, actually, he has cooked me lunch. It is his day off today and I am working.”
“Oh. You shouldn’t do that. You must cook for him.”

Then of course are the delights I get from a certain kind of man, especially when Atkins is not with me. These include:

·         “Sweeeetiieeeee you look niiiiiice.” Often followed by “what is your problem?” when I choose not to respond to this charming comment.

·         “Mzungu! [white person]” often yelled very loud in my direction. As if I wasn’t already aware of the fact I’m white....

Please note that these are exceptions to the rule of Zambians being very lovely and polite and a pleasure to be around. (But I will do serious harm to the next person who yells “mzungu” at me.)

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